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Grow Fresh Figs Outdoors in Maritime Washington

  • Pacific Rim Institute 180 Parker Road Coupeville, WA, 98239 United States (map)

Fresh figs are delicious, and beneficial for your health. And fig trees produce very well on many sites on Whidbey Island.
However, online information and even nursery catalogs are not always accurate. We will give you the information you need to decide if your site can reliably grow figs, which cultivars we've cropped here, which ones we are still testing, and which to avoid. And we'll show you how to reliably propagate your own trees. The class is made up of a 1-hour slideshow class with questions, followed by an hour of hands-on propagation. You'll go home with your own, self-propagated tree.

Class cost - $25 advance payment, $30 at door.

May 11

Mother’s Day Market

May 31

Cheese Making on the Homestead-Aged Hard Cheese